September 13, 2021 2 min read

What You Need

  • V60 Coffee Brewer
  • Cone Coffee Filter
  • Water ≈ 200°F
  • Ground coffee ≈ 15-17g
  • Gram Scale
  • Timer


1. Setting Up

Begin by folding the seam on your filter and placing it in the V60. Then, pour some hot water through the filter to rinse out any paper taste. This will also preheat the V60 and carafe. You can preheat your cup at this time as well.


2. Water to coffee ratio of 16:1

We’ll be using a water to coffee ratio of 16:1. This is a great starting point, but you may find that a little more or a little less coffee is suitable to your palate. I’ll be using about 270g of water and 17g, or about 2 heaping tablespoons, of whole bean coffee.


3. Grind your coffee

With our coffee weighed out, it’s time to grind on a setting that is slightly finer than what we’d use for standard drip coffee. While the coffee is grinding we can empty out the water from our preheated carafe.


4. Start Brewing

Add your coffee to the V60 and be sure the bed of grounds is level. Now you can zero out your scale, start a 4-minute timer and begin brewing. This first pour is called the bloom. Start in the center of the coffee and slowly work your way to the edge in concentric circles. Be sure to evenly saturate all the grounds to ensure a uniform extraction. This pour should be about 50g of water. Now we’ll let the coffee bloom for about 30 seconds.


5. Continue to Pour

After the bloom, we will continue to add more water about every 15 seconds, again pouring slowly in a steady, even spiral. we’ll bring the total water weight up to about 270g.


6. Remove Filter

Now that we’ve reached our total brew time of 4 minutes, remove the brewer even if some of the water has not made it through the coffee bed.


7. Serve

Empty out your preheated cup, and you’re now ready to serve some fresh coffee. Cheers.